Sunday, February 9, 2025
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FarEye: GPS-Based Vehicle Tracking System for Schools

School buses are an integral part of a kid’s life, but their unpre-dictable pick-up and drop timings are also one of the biggest causes...

Hand In Hand With GPS

The global positioning system (GPS) is a satellite-based global navigation satellite system (GNSS) that provides various types of information including geographic location, latitude, longitude,...

Innovative User Interfaces

Device makers are focusing on making user-interfaces easy, clean and intuitive. As more and more technology surrounds our life, it should blend with the...

Maintain, Repair And Operate With ‘Smart Mobility’

As the name suggests, MRO activities involve fixing any sort of electrical, plumbing or mechanical device once it breaks down or becomes out of...

Surface Mount technology trends in India

DECEMBER 2011: Surface-mount technology (SMT) is one of the key factors for the shrinking electronics system-level packaging. The key drivers for SMT in India...

How Haptics Can Help Your Project

Fundamentally, haptics is any form of non-verbal communication involving touch. Shaking hands when you greet someone is a haptic custom originated from western countries....

Artificial intelligence meets the real World

  The word ‘robot’ originates from the Czech word for forced labour or serf. It was introduced by playwright Karel Capek, whose ficional robotic inventions...

Li-Fi: A New Paradigm in Wireless Communication

APRIL 2012: Most of us are familiar with Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity), which uses 2.4-5GHz RF to deliver wireless Internet access around our homes, schools,...

If The God of Technology Made A Wish-List for New Year…

This is what it would look like. These innovations not just demonstrate brilliance in science and technology but also a social spin and street-smart...

What’s Hot in Electro-medical T&M?

Safety, accuracy and reliability of operation are critical for electro-medical equipment. This article discusses the latest solutions that help install, calibrate and maintain these...