Fastest finger first indicators (FFFIs) bring precision to quiz games, measuring contestants’ reaction times with accuracy. Supporting up to eight teams, the system identifies the first to press their button while locking out others. A P10 LED display module highlights the winning team in real-time.
The device employs an Arduino Mega, designed for setups with eight or more players. Its capacity can be expanded to support over 30 players by modifying the code to handle additional inputs. The components required are listed in the Bill of Materials table. Fig. 1 displays the prototype.

Fastest Finger First Game Circuit
Fig. 2 shows the circuit diagram of the fastest finger-first system. It is built around an Arduino Mega (MOD1), P10 LED display/dot matrix LED display (MOD2), push buttons (SW1-SW8), two power supplies—one for the P10 single-colour display and the other for the Arduino Mega—and a few other components.

The fastest finger-first method involves candidates pressing a key placed in front of them. The first person to press the key is granted the opportunity to answer the question.
In this setup, an Arduino Mega continuously monitors eight push buttons, each representing one of the eight candidates. The system identifies which button is pressed first. The button number of the candidate who presses the button first is displayed on an LED screen to indicate the winner. Pressing the reset button built into the Arduino Mega board returns the display to its initial state, ready for the next round.
The P10 display is connected to the Arduino Mega via SPI pins. Fig. 3 shows the P10 LED display and its pinouts for connection.
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