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Do You DIY?
Have you ever seen little children, who have just learnt to sit up, grabbing a ball-point pen from their dad’s pocket, disassembling it and...
BrickPi: Converting Raspberry Pi into a Robot
When prompted what led them to design BrickPi, John Cole, founder, Dexter Industries, shares, “We had a Raspberry Pi sitting on our desks for...
Open Hardware Sparks Innovation in Robotics
If you speak to robotics enthusiasts in India, they are sure to complain about dearth of low-cost components, lack of affordable but high quality...
Electronic Circuit Prototyping More Than Just An Artefact
Certain doubts in the design of an electronic product can be cleared by building and studying a prototype first. Here we discuss the challenges...
A Truly Modular Robotic Kit
Remember your childhood, when a bucket of Lego bricks was like having infiniteammo for your imagination? Growing up doesn’t mean you have to give...
How Haptics Can Help Your Project
Fundamentally, haptics is any form of non-verbal communication involving touch. Shaking hands when you greet someone is a haptic custom originated from western countries....
Demo: Unlocking door with hand movements
This project builds a door unlock system with a different concept. It constructs an ultrasonic distance detector which is used to enter code with...
Remote Controlled Wireless Doorbell
This circuit lets you wirelessly control an appliance from a remote place by using a wireless doorbell. The appliance is triggered by the signal...
Disposal, Detection, Diffusion: Three Ds of Bomb Disposal
Designs and Projects Development designs and develops products for a variety of verticals focusing on haptics and mobile robotics. They have haptics based products...
Getting started with Raspberry Pi
SEPTEMBER 2012: The Raspberry Pi (Fig. 1) is powered by a BCM2835 system-on-chip from Broadcom that contains an ARM processor (running at 700 MHz)...