Thursday, July 25, 2024

Useful Tools and Easy Project Management Suites

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Semicode OS

Linux platform users can use many different tools for various purposes. Semicode OS is a Linux distribution that provides them a complete development ecosystem. It uses the 14.04 Ubuntu repositories and GNOME for the desktop environment. Semicode OS comes preinstalled with different software development environment tools like Eclipse, Ninja IDE, MonoDevelop, Bluefish and Emacs. Compilers include OpenJDK for JAVA, Ruby compiler and Mono Runtime for .NET. Desktop clients available are Git and Slack. All these components essentially make this open source software a plug-and-play tool.


This Java-written software is mainly used to create electronic outlines and mind maps. The software is free, open source and compatible with Windows, MacOS and Linux. Freeplane comes with a pre-built documentation system called LaTex, which can be very handy for users. The latest version of the software includes support for Init scripts and clones. It is highly customisable with add-ons like GTD support, Study Planners and icons.


GanttProject is a simple and easy-to-use open source project management software. This Java-based tool is compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac. GanttProject allows quick management through functions like project planning and management with Gantt Charts, resource management and report generation. It also features work breakdown structure creation, task hierarchy, Resource Load Chart, PERT chart, HTML and PDF report, XML generation, WebDAV and spreadsheet applications.

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If you need a tracking tool for your small project team, WebIssues is a great option. It is an open source multiplatform system capable of issue tracking and team management. Store issues with unique IDs and add further descriptions in the form of attributes, descriptions, comments and file attachments. The latest version of WebIssues includes features such as search and filter, existing issues modification, emails, report creation and export, and rights management and security setups. It is easy to use with many bug fixes and improvements.


Agilefant is a web-based project backlog management tool. Users have to sign up for the service. The open source tool offers various features and operations to be explored under categories like product management, project management, iteration management, portfolio management, daily task assignment, time tracking, roadmapping and reporting. You can set dates, do effort estimations, create burndown charts, select default backlogs and so on. You can use the tool for Agile as well as traditional project management methods.


KADOS is a handy tool for Agile project drivers, especially SCRUM models. It has been developed by PHP, replacing the Excel Product Backlog of SCRUM Projects. It is a web-based program that allows users to move their post-its and make edits instead of filling forms to make changes. Installation starts with a web server and a database system (Apache and MySQL, respectively, as suggested by the development team). Generate a read-write access to the program and insert the data. Next, deploy the application, run the .sql file generated previously and configure the connect.conf file to access data. Finally, login with username and password.

Strong Java Chess Engines

Strong Java Chess Engines (SJCE) is a chess-game program supported on Windows and Linux platforms. Developed in Java, it is free, portable and open source. Users can choose any side—white or black. Single players can play against the machine, while two players can compete against each other. The program supports 38 open source Java engines including 20 JAVA X-Board Engines and 18 JAVA UCI-Engines.


FreeOrion is a very interesting space conquest game. It is free and open source, and played in a turn-based manner. It has been inspired by the concept of Master of Orion games and is available for Windows and Mac. The latest version FreeOrion has seen many bug fixes and improvements. Linux users can check availability for their distributions or develop from scratch. It received an impressive 4.6 rating out of 5 from



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