Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Multibay charger for 2S configuration

Do you want to charge a 2S battery pack, or want a charger that can be customised to charge up to 32 cells? Then the reference design from MPS is suitable for your needs.

The MCP1630 Li-lon reference design is a versatile charger design capable of charging up to two single-cell, Li-lon battery packs in a parallel configuration. The design can work with a wide input voltage range from 10V to 28V and has multiple safety features. This design can be used for new and upcoming battery technologies. The power train used for this reference design is a single-ended primary-inductor converter (SEPIC). This design is suitable for use as a stand-alone charger for the Li-Ion battery pack.

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As shown in the figure above, the reference design can be daisy-chained to charge up to 32 cells by combining 16 reference design modules in parallel. The reference design employs a PIC microcontroller and programming header pins that allows the user to add proprietary features by coding the microcontroller. Moreover, the reference design offers the flexibility to optimize the charging algorithm for newer battery technologies. The reference design also employs a dual operational Op-Amp and is capable of automatically detecting the status of the battery pack.

The working of the charger can easily be understood by having a look at the firmware flow chart of the reference design shown below:

Firmware Flow Chart

Features of MCP1630

  • Programmable parameters – modified in firmware
  • Flexibility to optimize the charging algorithm for new battery technology and add proprietary features by coding the microcontroller.
  • Controlled soft-start.

Safety Features

  • Over Voltage Protection
  • Over Charge Protection
  • Over Current Protection
  • Battery Reversal Protection.
  • Input Short Circuit Protection.
  • Over Temperature Protection
  • Fast charge termination if the battery temperature is outside a preset window.

Design Resources

All the design resources such as the documentation, BOM, PCB layout and Gerber files are provided by the company, but in order to access the files, you first need to register with your e-mail address.

You can find the design resources here.



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