Friday, July 26, 2024

Datoms Revolutionising OEMs With Smart And Connected Products

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Datoms, a deeptech IoT startup based in Bhubaneswar, enhances machines to make them smarter, thereby improving customers’ lives and helping OEMs take their products to the next level.

India has experienced significant technological advancements in recent years, with a notable rise in the smartification of products ranging from home appliances to vehicles. Amiya Samantaray, the Co-founder, and CEO of Datoms, recognised this trend and established the startup in Bhubaneswar with the goal of assisting manufacturers in their digital transformation efforts.

Started in 2021, Datoms was conceived to support manufacturers during Covid-19 by improving services and warranty verification processes through data accessibility. Initially, the company focused on the power sector, targeting generators and compressors, and later expanded to solar, UPS, inverters, electric vehicles, and automotive. With deployments across different sites, Datoms provides real-time information for manufacturers to better understand their customers and products. Datoms offers software components for OEMs to build connected products, serving as a one-stop solution.

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Amiya Samantaray, Co-founder and CEO, Datoms

This startup offers products with three key components. First, a hardware device with connectivity options like 4G LTE, NB IoT, or Wi-Fi is installed inside machines. It sends data to the cloud via a SIM card, facilitating data capture. Second, the cloud platform, an IoT software, analyses the received data, providing end customers with a dashboard view or UC Analytics. The third component is the business access layer, part of the Datoms platform, dedicated to OEMs, service partners, and leasing companies, helping them manage customers, service results, and leasing.


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Nitisha Dubey
Nitisha Dubey
Nitisha Dubey is a journalist at EFY. She focuses on startups and innovations with a deep interest in new technologies and business models.


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