Saturday, July 27, 2024

Revolutionising Robotics: Startup Unleashes The Power Of ROS Using Hardware Acceleration

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In an era where robotics is rapidly transforming industries and reshaping the way we interact with technology, one company stands at the forefront of this revolution by harnessing the power of the robot operating system (ROS) using hardware acceleration

Acceleration Robotics is a startup focused on designing customised hardware, or the ‘brains’ that speed up a robot’s operation. In particular, the company creates custom compute architectures for high-performance robots through hardware acceleration solutions (CPUs, FPGAs, GPUs, and combinations). By leveraging the flexibility, modularity, and collaborative nature of ROS, they are revolutionising the way robotic systems are designed, developed, and deployed.

Acceleration Robotics is working with Peer Robotics in bringing hardware acceleration to their mobile robotics software stack

“Robot operating system (ROS) is a set of software libraries and tools that you can use to build your robot applications,” says Prateek Nagras, CEO of Acceleration Robotics.

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Acceleration Robotics aims to simplify and democratise hardware acceleration in robotics development. While discussing the challenges in the field of robotics, Prateek says that “there is a big gap between the semiconductor industry, which is basically manufacturing the FPGAs and GPUs and CPUs, and the robotics industry, where they consume these chips to unveil their own software stacks on top of it.”


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