Wednesday, February 19, 2025

New Adhesive For Reinforced Filament Winding Processes

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Ideal for Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) or Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) manufacturing processes

To wrap components such as hybrid rotor shafts for electric motors and high-voltage surge arresters while saving space, time and cost, here’s presenting a new adhesive called Vitralit UD 1405, which allows the reinforced windings to then be quickly cured with UV/visible light. The Vitralit UD 1405 is a transparent, solvent-free, one-component epoxy that has a low viscosity and good wetting properties.

Through irradiation, the adhesive allows curation within seconds with the help of UV (365nm) or Visible (405nm) light wavelengths. Depending on the fibre material and the wavelength used, layer thicknesses of several millimetres can be achieved exclusively by UV/Visible light curing. This epoxy can also be thermally cured after UV exposure to ensure that a complete cure is secured in areas shadowed from the UV light. For example, fibres or filaments can first be pulled through an adhesive bath, then wound onto the rotor or respective cylinder and cured with UV or visible light. A secondary thermal cure will ensure that the layers of coated windings below the surface become fully cured.

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After curing, Vitralit UD 1405 is electrically insulating, shows minimal shrinkage and remains resistant at temperatures from -40 degrees Celsius to 180 degrees Celsius. A glass transition temperature of over 130 degrees Celsius ensures reliable performance even under dynamic load at elevated temperatures.

The Vitralit UD 1405 has been manufactured by Panacol-Elosol GmbH, a German industrial adhesive company and is available from Techsil, a UK-based distributor of adhesives for electronics and other manufacturing sectors.


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