Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ultra-Wideband, Robust Electronics & mm-Wave Technology Challenge

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About the Challenge
The deployment of 5G technology has increased the proliferation of broadband cellular communication technology covering frequencies from 100s of MHz to mm-waves in order to significantly enhance data throughput, capacity, and efficiency. As a result, the electromagnetic spectrum is highly congested not only at the traditional cellular bands (below C-Band), but are extending into the mm-Wave regime. The net result is a significant increase in EM interferences for current & future DoD systems.

Toward that end, AFRL is seeking to explore novel circuit and system architectures to develop leap-ahead technologies capable of “Ultra-Wideband, Robust Electronics operating at RF frequency from MHz to Ku-Band and advanced mm-Wave technology to extend the frequency of operation up W-band. The company is interested in adding an intelligent control to the hardware which will allow future systems to deal with dynamically congested & contested spectrum.


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Official Posting: 15 Oct 2021
Q&A sessions with sponsors upon request: 1 – 30 Nov 2021
Window for White paper submissions: 15 Oct – 15 Dec 2021
White paper selection: 20 Dec 2021
Pitch days: 4 Jan 2022
Award Winner: 10 Jan 2022

Award Amount: Up to $85,000 each (awarded in 3 phases)

Participants can apply here.


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