Sunday, October 6, 2024
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intruder - search results

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Wireless Security System Using PIR Sensors

This project demonstrates a wireless security system in which four pyroelectric infrared (PIR) motion sensors are placed in four sides—front, back, left and right—of...
laser security system

Dual-Laser Security System Using An Old Feature Phone

A security system having a single laser beam may not be very effective as any moving object or animal can interrupt it, causing a...
Mini Projects Ideas

Innovative Mini Projects For Engineers and Students

Electronics projects are always in high demand. Students work on various mini-project ideas and topics to improve their skills, whereas hobbyists like the fun...
Working of Microcontrollers

Top Microcontroller Projects Ideas

The role of microcontrollers and microprocessors in the life of a design engineer is immense. The microcontroller provides integrated solutions for engineers incorporating multiple...

Sound Operated Timer

This sound operated timer is based on LM324 quad-operational amplifier and NE555 timer. Time delay can be set from a few seconds to 30...

Arduino Based GSM Home Security System

This project is designed using normally-closed reed switches connected to doors and windows and additional passive infrared (PIR) motion sensors to detect movement of...
Night Alert System

Night Alert System

Idea of this night alert system came to me one midnight when my pet dog started barking continuously on sensing a moving shadow, perhaps...
Remote Operated Switch

Remote Operated Switch

Generally, a bedside master switch is used to switch on lamps both indoors and outdoors when there is a threat of intruder. This remote...
door opening alarm circuit

Multidoor Opening Alarm with Indicator

This door opening alarm alerts you of intruders. You can use it for up to three doors. You simply need to fit a small...
mock alarm with call bell

Mock Alarm with Call Bell

Here is a fully automatic mock alarm to ward off any intruder to your house. The alarm becomes active at sunset and remains ‘on’...