Sunday, February 16, 2025

25 Awesome Automation Projects

This article provides a list of innovative automation projects that can be completed using automation techniques. These projects may involve creating automated systems to perform tasks or processes more efficiently, such as automating data entry or creating a system to automatically water plants.

The article also provides information on the benefits of automation and how to get started on an automation project.

Some potential ideas for automation projects could include creating a home security system that uses sensors and cameras to automatically detect and alert the homeowner of any intrusions or building a system to control and monitor the lighting and temperature in a smart home.

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Other ideas might include developing a system to automatically sort and classify items in a warehouse or creating an automated system to handle customer service inquiries.

1. Multilingual Home Automation System Using Google Assistant and Raspberry Pi

In this DIY project, we are going to make an Internet of Things (IoT) home automation system that allows you to control your home devices with voice commands in your preferred language like Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, and so on.

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This project is available at Multilingual Home Automation System Using Google Assistant And Raspberry Pi

2. Sound-Based Computer Automation Using Python

This project is used to control computers such applications as slideshow, music, or video with a finger snap or a clap. It aims at understanding the automation of computer functions through microphones without using microcontroller boards.

This automation project is available at Sound Based Computer Automation Using Python

3. RPI Voice Recognition For Home Automation And IOT

Voice Recognition For Home Automation and IoT Having On Board RPi using AIY and it can recognize the voice. Now no need to connect your phone to any third-party app for controlling your home. Simply use RPi as a Smart Home device.

This project is available at RPI Voice Recognition For Home Automation And IOT

4. Smart Touch Panel For Home Automation

This smart touch panel project will turn out to be much cheaper than the panels available in the market. The panel can be used to control electrical appliances either through an Arduino-based touch switchboard or wirelessly through an Android app.

This project is available at Smart Touch Panel For Home Automation

5. Joystick-Controlled Industrial Automation System

This project can be used to control up to four industrial electrical appliances with the help of a joystick and an Arduino Nano board.

This project is available at: Make This Joystick-Controlled Industrial Automation System

6. GSM-based Cellular IoT Home Automation

What if you are out of your home (and/or in another country) and suddenly realize that you have forgotten to turn off the geyser, lights, and other electrical appliances? This costly mistake can increase the electricity bill as well as put your and others’ lives in danger.

Fear not. We are going to make an IoT-based cellular device for home automation, which will help you in controlling your home appliances, no matter where you are.

This project is available at GSM-based Cellular IoT Home Automation

7. Automatic Ambient Light System With IoT Home Automation

Wouldn’t it be amazing if our room light automatically adjusts its brightness according to our needs? Or if we can control the brightness of LED lights from our phones?

This would not only make our life more comfortable, but it will also help us save a lot of energy. All this can be made possible by using PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) controller.

This project is available at Automatic Ambient Light System With IoT Home Automation

8. Home Automation System For Up To Four Devices

This project is designed to control up to four home electrical devices using Node-RED, Raspberry Pi, and a local Wi-Fi network. Node-RED is a flow-based development tool for visual programming.

This project is available at Home Automation System For Up To Four Devices

9. Home Automation System Using A Wi-Fi Module

This home automation system can measure temperature, relative humidity, and light intensity and control two electrical equipment on the Cayenne IoT (Internet of Things) platform. The two electrical equipment can be a light bulb and a ceiling fan, or any other electrical devices.

This project is available at Home Automation System Using A Wi-Fi Module

10. Voice-Controlled Home Automation System

This is a project for a voice-controlled home automation system to control appliances with your voice through an Android app. An Arduino Mega board is used for controlling the relay through which an appliance is switched on/off.

You can modify the Android app to add more functions. The circuit consists of Arduino Mega 2560 board for comparing the input string received through Bluetooth with the stored string to give output and control the relay.

This project is available at: Voice controlled home automation system.

11. Home Automation System Using a Simple Android App

Nowadays, people have smartphones with them all the time. So, it makes sense to use these to control home appliances. Presented here is a home automation system using a simple Android app, which you can use to control electrical appliances with clicks or voice commands. Commands are sent via Bluetooth to Arduino Uno.

So, you need not get up to switch on or switch off the device while watching a movie or doing some work. The home automation circuit is built around an Arduino Uno board, Bluetooth module HC-05, and a 3-channel relay board.

This project is available at the Home automation system using a simple android app.

12. Home Automation System

Today we are surrounded by smart devices that can make decisions on their own without much human intervention. Our home can also be made smart by implementing a real-time home automation system that monitors parameters like power consumption and human presence.

Home automation may include centralized control of electrical devices including lighting, appliances, and security. Presented here is a touch-control-based home automation system that can control up to six electrical devices. It also has a separate keyboard interface module for troubleshooting and system settings.

This project is available at the Home automation system.

13. Arduino-Based GSM Home Security System

This project is designed using normally-closed reed switches connected to doors and windows and additional passive infrared (PIR) motion sensors to detect the movement of a burglar or an unwanted intruder in your home.

The security system can dial up to two phone numbers to alert you. It can also send a text message to one of the numbers.

The project is available at an Arduino-based home security system.

14. Restaurant Menu Ordering System

Automation systems are increasing in day-to-day life. Applications like home and industrial automation reduce manpower while increasing efficiency. Here in this project let us see how an automated menu for ordering food in restaurants can happen. In these modern days, the number of restaurants is increasing.

They also require very fast processing for serving food to the customers. With the increasing number of customers, it would require more manpower, since the current situation has become hectic for the restaurants.

Also, changes in the hard copy of the menu can’t happen. This system was proposed using some simple electronic components.

This project is available at the Restaurant menu ordering system.

15. Touchscreen and GLCD-Based Home Automation

This project controls home electrical appliances using a touchscreen input device. The system comprises two relays for controlling a bulb and a fan for example. The touchscreen placed on a graphical LCD acts as a control panel for sending control commands through a pair of wireless radio frequency (RF) communication modules.

The touchscreen panel on the transmitter side interfaced to a microcontroller sends on/off commands to the receiver where the loads/appliances are connected. By touching the specified portion on the touchscreen panel, the loads are turned on/off remotely through the wireless RF modules.

This project is available at Touchscreen and GLCD-Based Home Automation

16. IoT Home Automation Using ESP32

This project is an IoT application, we will be switching relays on a web page of a local server using the ESP32 IoT development board.

This project is available at IoT Home Automation Using ESP32

17. RF-Based Multiple Device Control

Here we describe how to control electrical and electronic gadgets from a remote location using radio frequency (RF) transmission. An RF interface is used instead of infrared (IR) to avoid the drawbacks of an IR interface.

Besides, RF has a longer range. The signal is transmitted by an RF transmitter and received by an RF receiver to switch on or switch off the desired device. This system can be used to control up to fifteen devices.

This project is available at RF-based multiple device control.

18. See and Speak Using Raspberry Pi

Imagine a machine that can see and speak, and is fully portable. It is surprising, right? In this article, we present a system based on Raspberry Pi, or Raspi, that can see and speak.

It takes pictures of text content around its vicinity from the webcam attached to Raspi, converts it to speech, and speaks out the text through a headphone or speaker connected to its audio jack.

This project is available at: See and speak using raspberry pi.

19. PC-Based Equipment Controller

Presented here is a Windows-based equipment controller project that can control up to eight electrical devices using a personal computer. Connecting a computer to external devices is becoming essential in our day-to-day life for automation.

But to communicate to a device we need a common communication protocol such as a serial COM port, USB or wireless connectivity. Here we have used the serial communication protocol to control the devices.

This project is available at a PC-based equipment controller.

20. Home Media Centre with Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi and your LED/LCD TV could be a very interesting combination to try out various DIY projects at home. One such great project is converting your LED/LCD TV into a smart TV and/or a local home media center.

The overall process of turning your LED TV into a smart TV and/or home media center is mentioned as well.

But before we start, it is assumed that you are familiar with home-networking concepts of IP address, secure shell (SSH) and Telnet access for Raspberry Pi, setting up OS image on SD card to boot Raspberry Pi, etc.

This project is available at Home Media Centre with Raspberry Pi.

21. Programmable Industrial On-Off Timer with RF Remote

In most of the modern manufacturing and processing industries, there is complete industrial automation through sophisticated hardware and software like programmable logic controller (PLC), distributed control system (DCS), and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA).

Microcontroller-based embedded systems play a significant role in industrial automation. One such widely used system is the programmable timer.

This project is available at Programmable Industrial On-Off Timer with RF Remote.

22. Wireless Equipment Control Using AT89C51

Here is a microcontroller-based wireless equipment controller that can switch on or switch off up to four devices at a desired time interval set by the user in the transmitter. The devices can be controlled remotely up to 30 meters from the transmitter.

In the transmitter, an LCD module is used to show the device numbers and pre-set control time for the devices (00 to 99 seconds). Concepts of wireless RF communication and automation with AT89C51 microcontroller are used here.

The project is available at wireless equipment control using AT89C51

23. Microcontroller-Based DC Motor Controller

Motion control plays a vital role in industrial automation. Manufacturing plants in industries like chemical, pharmaceutical, plastic, and textile, all require motion control. And it may be a flat-belt application, flow control application, or mixing of substances.

Different types of motors—AC, DC, servo, or stepper—are used depending on the application. Of these, DC motors are widely used because controlling a DC motor is somewhat easier than other kinds of motors. Using the DC drive, you can program the motion of the motor, i.e. how it should rotate.

The project is available at the DC motor controller.

24. IoT Based Power Outlet

This video is about WeMOS and demonstrates how to use WeMOS with thingspeak to control loads in the home. This project lets you control your devices which you need to connect to the output sockets.

As an online server, the presenter has used Thinspeak but you can use any server (you just need REST API). The schematics are given below in the article.

The project is available at IoT Based Power Outlet Home automation

25. Home Automation Using ESP8266 12E Development Board

In this project, the presenter is constructing a home automation system for controlling multiple home appliances using the ESP8266 12E development board from anywhere in the world.

The project is available at Ultimate Home Automation Using ESP8266 12E Development Board

Let us know if you enjoyed this list of automation projects. Also if you have some automation projects that not covered here, send them in through the comments section below.

This article was published on 20 September 2017 and recently updated on August 2023.



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