Sunday, September 8, 2024

Thank You for Subscribing to DIY Newsletter

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Once subscribed to this newsletter, you will receive a customised Newsletter from us every week which will contain top DIY projects and circuit articles from Electronics For You. And don’t worry we will not run out of Projects as we have got a total of 1000+ EFY tested Electronics Projects for every DIYer.

Given below is the sample of one such newsletter you will receive:


  1. Great Magazine. I was a subscriber for almost 15 long years for hard copies. Mostly arrived but many missed in transit & lost. So stopped further sub due to heavy loss. Hope you have better improved your delivery system for subscribers. My subscription No. was E-86716

  2. It feels very nice when I read this article on do it yourself. Though I’m working as electronic technician since 1988 it’s about 30 years with EFY also. I am a regular reader of EFY from my career starts.I appreciate that I learned more and more from EFY .So THANKS to entire EFY TEAM and their kind helps. Giving best regards and wishes to EFY AND TEAM for further journey aheads.


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