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HomeTechnologyNew IPEmotion With Advanced Data Analysis And Acquisition Of High-Speed Measurement Signals

New IPEmotion With Advanced Data Analysis And Acquisition Of High-Speed Measurement Signals


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IPETRONIK presents new IPEmotion version with advanced functions for the data analysis and acquisition of high-speed measurement signals, and is now making the latest version of its measurement data logging software available as a download. IPEmotion 2016 R1 offers users an advanced range of functions for the data analysis and measurement data logging of high-speed signals. It permits acoustic analyses on the basis of the Campbell diagram, evaluates the FlexRay traffic and optimises the filling of DAQ lists. In addition, the software features a colour grid instrument for depicting 2D classifications. IPEmotion 2016 R1 is compatible with Windows 10.

Acoustic analysis with Campbell diagram

In addition to the control and climate modules, IPEmotion 2016 R1 now also features a module for processing acoustic signals and vibrations. This acoustic module is available as an option in the Professional, Developer and Analysis editions. The four-channel 100 kHz measurement module Mx-SENS2-4, which is integrated via the associated X-PlugIn, serves as a hardware platform. The new acoustic module allows users to analyse large volumes of data from structure and air-borne sound vibrations using standard filter and evaluation functions such as db-A, db-C, linear, etc. ( as well as the associated indicating instrument ( The data is processed in the form of colour carpet diagrams such as the Campbell diagram. These diagrams allow the frequency spectra to be calculated via random reference variables, for example in order to establish a reference to the motor or compressor speed.

Key-value pairs – Integrated data traceability through to MDF4 export

For all users who place high requirements on data traceability, IPEmotion 2016 R1 presents an ideal solution thanks to the key-value pairs. These are supported by all IPETRONIK data loggers and significantly improve the traceability of data, since they combine measured values on channel level with all the relevant meta data. As a result, not only is the origin of the data fully transparent throughout the entire hierarchy of the data acquisition system, but also the complexity and hierarchy of file structures are simplified, which in turn greatly facilitates the post-processing ( Customer-specific key-value pairs are stored on data logger level in the form of an XML file. These can be exported individually to the MDF4 format.

Optimise measurements on electronic control units

Also with regard to measurement data logging, the new version features useful extensions. To optimise fill level calculation, when importing A2L description files, it is possible to greatly simplify the filling of DAQ lists via the parameter setting of the ODT (Object Descriptor Table). Since IPEmotion 2016 R1 supports additional CAN import formats, users can now also import FIBEX description files via CAN interfaces in order to perform CANdb measurements. In terms of the analysis, IPEmotion 2016 R1 analyses the FlexRay traffic and depicts the results from 2D classifications (e.g. Rainflow) in a colour grid. To process the dynamic time raw data files with acoustic programs such as the PAK system from Müller BBM, IPEmotion offers the advanced ATFX data export facility, which also supports individual reference variables. Last but not least, audio signals from G.I.N microphones, based on the CAN traffic format, can be exported to WAV format in order to play back the audio recordings.


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