Saturday, July 27, 2024

Multilayered Approach | Security Appliance | Smart Thermostat

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Locking Down the IoT

Security and risk (S&R) professionals are under increasing pressure to secure IoT deployments to minimize the risk of data breaches, disruptive cyber attacks, and even physical attacks.

They anxiously seek IoT security solutions that can protect IoT devices and data in a cost-effective manner which does not hurt customer experience or digital business operations.

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IoT device security is just one layer in an overall IoT security architecture. Successful IoT security requires a multilayered approach, which means S&R pros must implement various security technologies and vendors to protect their IoT deployments. (Read More)

Your Security Appliance is Essentially an IoT Device

It all starts with one question: Why are security officers hesitant to let go of their security appliances and move on to software or cloud-based offerings? There could be many answers to this question, but the fact is that these appliances largely live up to their namesake, i.e., emulate an overall feeling of security. CISOs don’t need to grapple with system managed devices, they have full control over their appliances, and there’s no need to report back.

These are all valid answers to the above question. However, there’s an alternative answer as to why CISOs are so attached to their security appliances: politics. The fact of the matter is that security appliances provide CISOs with a feeling of peace and quiet. To be frank, few within the organization care about which OS runs on the appliance, when the last upgrade was or when the appliance was last patched. (Read More)

IoT Security: How to Prevent your Smart Thermostat from Joining a Botnet

Although for many of us IoT presents an exciting new horizon to explore, this relatively new tech sector also opens up a great opportunity for hackers to wield their axe of destruction. While most computers and mobile devices now come with at least basic protocols and add-ons aimed at protecting us from exploits, billions of new IoT devices come into our lives without even basic means of protection.

Nevertheless, having an IoT gadget hacked can be equally detrimental as having a computer hacking. Today we’ll be looking at the most likely ways for hackers to try for access and how to prevent bad things from happening.

From the perspective of cyber attacks, a smart thermostat or a talking washing machine is no different than a computer. Any vulnerable device connected to your home or corporate network can serve as an entry point for a hacker. (Read More)



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