Saturday, February 8, 2025

Centimetre-Level Positioning Solution That Saves Costs

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Featuring up to three u-blox GNSS receivers, ArduSimple’s simpleRTK2B-SBC enables advanced centimetre-level GPS positioning applications

u-blox has collaborated with the Spain-based global navigation satellite system (GNSS) technology company ArduSimple and developed the SimpleRTK2B single-board computer (SBC). The device includes three u-blox ZED-F9P high precision GNSS receivers, simplifying the development of centimetre-level positioning for real-time kinematics (RTK) and be easily accessible to broader audiences.

To address the increased complexity compared to standard-precision positioning, the SimpleRTK2B-SBC’s RTK technology comes as “plug-and-play”. In addition to working as a stand-alone solution, customers can program their applications using the company’s user-friendly microPython API.

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“With the release of ZED-F9P, u-blox revolutionised the high precision positioning market by slashing the technology’s cost of ownership. Since then, its use in applications such as precision farming and autonomous robots has increased strongly,” says Marc Castillo, Senior GNSS Consultant at ArduSimple.

“The SimpleRTK2B-SBC uniquely delivers easy mechanical integration with centimetre position on three axes (heading, pitch, and roll), outputting on NMEA, RTCM, RS232 and CANBus interfaces, via Ethernet, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, 2G/3G/4G communication, and offers configurable I/O, and an IMU,” he adds.

“ArduSimple is a perfect partner for u-blox,” says Alex Candela, Area Sales Manager for France at u-blox. “Their solutions help overcome barriers to access RTK technology, accelerating adoption by end-users, and stimulating the entire ecosystem – service providers, municipal authorities and national agencies – to develop infrastructure such as networks of GNSS base stations that are required to expand service coverage and enable true mainstream adoption.”

The SimpleRTK2B-SBC is now available online for purchase from u-blox.


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