Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Modular 2-Port VNA Family With Improved Performance and Efficiencies

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  • The vector network analyser (VNA) family from Anritsu supports data transmission over long distances without long port cables
  • The VNAs can be easily configured and controlled from a single PC to ensure data security

Anritsu Company has introduced the ShockLine™ ME7868A family of modular 2-port vector network analysers (VNAs) that can conduct full vector S-parameter measurements over wide distances of up to 100 metres. 

Consisting of two MS46131A 1-port VNAs with the PhaseLyncTM synchronization option hardware and accessories, the ME7868A VNA uses the MS46131As as portable VNA ports to connect directly to the device under test (DUT) for delivering vector transmission measurements over longer lengths and at a lower cost. The VNAs offer multiple advantages compared to traditional solutions that use 2-port VNAs with very high dynamic range and require long and expensive phase-stable microwave cables to reach the DUT.

Wide application support

Available in 8 GHz, 20 GHz and 43.5 GHz frequency models, the ME7868A series can support multiple commercial and military applications, including high-frequency 5G. The device can eliminate the need for long port cables required to measure transmission over a distance for applications such as:

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  • Outdoor antenna range testing
  • Over-the-air (OTA) chamber installation
  • Large vehicle (aircraft, ship) 
  • Electromagnetic characterization (shielding, RF propagation)
  • Long-distance cable insertion loss measurements

Improved dynamic range

The new PhaseLync technology enables two MS46131A 1-port VNAs to phase synchronize with each other over a distance of up to 100 metres. PhaseLync improves dynamic range and measurement stability of s-parameter measurements by eliminating the need for long cables with conventional benchtop VNAs. The result is greater cost and operational efficiencies when measuring transmission over distance.

Very lightweight and extremely compact, the two MS46131A 1-port VNAs that comprise the ME7868A are USB controlled via an external PC running ShockLine software. The MS46131A VNAs can be easily configured and controlled from a single PC to conveniently match port count to test setup requirements. This ensures that data is more secure, as all measurement results are stored on the PC, rather than the VNA, making the solution well suited for confidential testing environments. Analysis and documentation are also simplified, as there is no need to transfer data off the onboard instrument memory.


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