Here we build the automatic water dispenser device for washing hands with the help of Arduino and an ultrasonic sensor
In the COVID-19 pandemic, the development of prototypes for the safety of communicative viruses has become increasingly important. Here a new prototype is proposed for time-restricted automatic water pouring to wash the hands in addition to an indicator for 20 second restricted time period for hand rubbing from soap so as to protect from coronavirus.
Lots of water is wasted due to improper use of pouring water. Generally, people are not aware that 20 second restricted time period for washing our hands means we have to rub our hands with soap for 20 seconds and then wash it to clean them. Generally, people start the water tap continuously for the time they are doing hand washing so lots of water is wasted and in India, water saving is very essential. In our prototype, due to smart dispensing of water, we limit the wastage.
Continuously touching the water tap by different people is harmful as coronavirus communicates via touching anything that already comes in touch with the infected person. So protection from coronavirus at the water tap is necessary and in our prototype water will pour automatically so it protects us from retouching.
The main objective of this proposal is to protect ourselves from coronavirus covid-19 at a low Cost. It’s an easy project solution that can be used easily at our home, office, etc. People can use our prototype framework at home to protect themselves from corona and to save water
Automatic Water Dispenser System – Working
Here in our proposed prototype whenever someone who wants to wash his/her hands comes in front of the ultrasonic sensor at a distance greater than 0 meters and less than 0.6 meters.
The LED automatically starts to indicate that he/she should rub their hands with soap for 20 second restricted time period as per the guidelines from WHO, then after 20 seconds the relay automatically drive the pump motor for 3 seconds to pour the water to wash the hands, then pump motor stop for 2 seconds to check the hands by an individual(user) and again start to pour the water for 2 seconds and then stop, so that if still, soap remains in hands get washed completely.
After it, the buzzer will start automatically for 3 second time period to indicate that the washing of hands process is completed and now he/she can move or leave the place.
- Full-fill the guidelines of WHO for the 20-second restricted time period for washing hands to get rid of any virus.
- Water safety as water pours out for a limited time period.
- Easy to understand and easy to use at home/office.
Automatic Water Dispenser System – Components
ARDUINO-UNO/ NANO | 1 | 500/- |
12v,1A adapter | 1 | 230/- |
BC 548 TRANSISTOR | 1 | 5/- |
5V RELAY | 1 | 20/- |
BUZZER | 1 | 10/– |
COOLER WATER PUMP | 1 | 250/- |
1KOHM RESISTOR | 1 | 1/- |
Breadboard | 1 | 75/- |
Table 1:- List of components used in the project (Bill of Material)
1. Ultrasonic Sensor (HC SR-04)
HC-SR04 is an ultrasonic distance sensor. There are two transducer in this sensor, one works as a transmitter to convert the electrical signal into ultrasonic pulses, and the other one work as a receiver to receive the transmitted pulses. When the receiver transducer receives it generates an output pulse such that the pulse width is directly proportional to the distance of the object in front of the ultrasonic sensor.
2. Arduino Uno
Arduino- Uno is an ATmega328P-based microcontroller board. It contains 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 pins as PWM outputs),6 pins as analog inputs, one 16 MHz ceramic resonator, a USB connection, one power jack, one ICSP header, and a reset button. It has everything needed to assist the microcontroller. we can easily connect it to a computer with a USB cable or switch on it with an adapter or +9vbattery to get started.
Read Also: Interesting Arduino Project Ideas
Automatic Water Dispenser – Circuit Connection

Automatic Water Dispenser – Code
//rakesh Jain program
int const trigPin = 5;
int const echoPin = 6;
int const led = 7;
int const buzzer = 9;
int const base=4;
void setup()
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT);
pinMode(base, OUTPUT);
void loop()
int duration, distance;
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
distance = (duration/2) / 29.1;
digitalWrite(base, LOW);
if (distance <= 60& distance >= 0) {
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
digitalWrite(base, HIGH);
digitalWrite(base, LOW);
digitalWrite(base, HIGH);
digitalWrite(base, LOW);
digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);
digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);
RAKESH JAIN received a Master’s degree in VLSI, B.E. in electronics and communication, and DIPLOMA in electronics. He is currently working as an Assistant professor in the ECE department at Geetanjali Institute of technical studies, Udaipur. His research area is SENSOR and Microcontrollers. He has 22 copyright and 3 Indian patents.
RAHUL MOUD received a Master’s degree in VLSI, B.E. in electronics and communication. He is currently working as an Assistant professor in the ECE department & Dean of Student affairs at Geetanjali Institute of technical studies, Udaipur. He has 3 copyright & His research area is Network theory and analysis.
Hcsr04 didn’t work for me, I tried JSN sr04. It’s a waterproof ultrasonic sensor, hcsr04 corrodes after a while. I hope it helps.