Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Machine Learning Module Offers Complete Development Environment

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Eoxys has introduced a new module which provides a suitable environment for the development of Machine Learning(ML) applications.

Credit: Eoxys

The Xeno+ WiFi+BLE Nano ML Module from Eoxys is developed to meet machine learning as well as Artificial Intelligence (AI) application requirements. The module offers leverage to customers with the on-board MICs and can also attach an external MICs using a separate carrier board. The device is a solderable module and can be used as a core ML module for ML edge devices.

The device offers I2S and I2C connections options for customers to build their battery-operated ML devices. Customers can build Embedded softwares (SWs) using the Application Development Libs and can leverage FOTA and PKCE based device authentication features as well. The company professess that developers can save up to 40% of hardware and software development time.

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The module comes in 2 choices of MCU: ARM CORTEX-M23 at 96MHz, 1Mb Flash, 256KB SRAM and ARM Cortex-M4 at 80MHz, 1MB Flash, 128KB/352KB SRAM. Developers can directly use CubeIDE/KEIL IDE via JTAG dongle connected to SWD port for developing their main embedded software applications with in-system debug capabilities on this MCU.

This module has Syntiant NDP120 neural decision processor that runs multiple Audio and Sensor ML applications simultaneously with minimal power consumption. The NDP120 is designed to natively run multiple Deep Neural Networks (DNN) on a variety of architectures, such as CNNs, RNNs and fully connected networks up to 256 layers. The NDP120’s Audio-0 (AUD0) port is interfaced with on-board stereo PDM Mics and thus helps Customers to readily run and test the Audio ML classification applications on this module. The Audio-1 (AUD1) and I2C interface pins are available in the 20×20 castellated header pins so that Customers can build carrier boards to interface with external Audio Mics and I2C sensors.

The module uses Innophase’s ultra-low power WiFi b/g/n and BLE5.0 with LR, 2M PHY and extended advertising with a single antenna for both WiFi and BLE. This device can be used for industrial automation and IoT applications with Deep Neural Network applications and AI/ML applications.


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