Watch the International Space Station, one of the marvels of engineering and science, pass overhead from several thousand worldwide locations. It is the third brightest object in the sky and easy to spot if you know when to look up.
Visible to the naked eye, it looks like a fast-moving plane only much higher and traveling thousands of miles an hour faster!
Several times a week, Mission Control at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX, determines sighting opportunities for over 6,700 locations worldwide. If your specific city or town isn’t listed, pick one that is fairly close to you. The space station is visible for a long distance around each of the listed locations. To look up viewing times for any location on Earth for the ISS and dozens of other satellites, please use NASA’s SpotTheStation page.
Next Sighting:
Time: Mon Oct 31 5:00 AM, Visible: 5 min, Max Height: 69°, Appears: 20° above SSW, Disappears: 11° above NE
Previous Sightings:
- Time: Tue Sep 27 6:32 PM, Visible: 6 min, Max Height: 67°, Appears: 11° above SW, Disappears: 11° above NNE SSW
- Time: Wed May 04 5:02 AM, Visible: 4 min, Max Height: 52°, Appears: 29° above WSW, Disappears: 11° above NNE
- Time: Sat Apr 23 7:41 PM, Visible: 3 min, Max Height: 52°, Appears: 29° above WNW, Disappears: 28° above S
- Time: Tue Mar 29 6:49 PM, Visible: 4 min, Max Height: 70°, Appears: 32° above SSW, Disappears: 11° above NE
- Time: Tue Mar 29 5:31 AM, Visible: 6 min, Max Height: 70°, Appears: 10° above NNW, Disappears: 10° above SE