Tuesday, January 21, 2025

11 Awesome ESP8266 Projects for Electronics DIYersz

ESP8266 is gaining popularity in the field of electronics because of its low cost, reliability, and easy availability in the market.

ESP8266 contains a built-in 32-bit low-power CPU, ROM, and RAM. It is a complete and self-contained Wi-Fi network solution that can carry software applications as a stand-alone device or connected with a microcontroller (MCU). The module has built-in AT Command firmware to be used with any MCU via COM port. Let’s look at some ESP8266 projects now.

1. Smallest IoT Home Automation using ESP8266

In this project, we will be using the ESP8266-01 Wi-Fi Development board to make a small home automation that has Wi-Fi featured in it. The system operates on a local web server and is easy to use for the novice. With this project, we can control at most two AC appliances that suit best for your small IoT projects.

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This project is available at Smallest IoT Home Automation using ESP8266

2. Geolocation using ESP8266

Ever wanted to know if geolocation was possible without using a GPS module? Check out this project for checking your location using the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module. This is possible with Google’s Geolocation API. Google provides an API for taking data from our nearby Wi-Fi routers and giving us our coordinates. But before using that API you need to get your API key working. Check out this ESP8266 project for more details.

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This project is available at Geolocation using ESP8266

3. ESP8266-based Wireless Web Server

This ESP8266-based wireless web server project is built around an Arduino.  Arduino IDE is used for compiling and loading programs in this ESP8266-based wireless web server. ESP8266 community has developed a suitable plugin for ESP8266 to use with Arduino IDE. Step-by-step details are available within the article to build a web server.

This project is available at ESP8266-based wireless server

4. Smallest IoT Project

In this project, we push the limits of how the IoT project can be shrunk in size without compromising its ability to work. There may be products that are way smaller than this one. This is the simplest IoT project, an IoT button with a rechargeable battery having dimensions of 4 x 2 x 1 cm.

This project is available at World’s smallest IoT project.

5. Pressure Sensors on Railway Tracks

Every year thousands of animals die after being hit by trains. Animals on train tracks are dangerous for both animals and the train as well. Animals are affected very badly. Besides animals, if the tracks are not cleared i.e. boulders on tracks, accidents tend to occur. This phenomenon becomes particularly dangerous in hilly areas. Trains cannot be stopped from moving on these tracks, but something surely can be done. Using pressure sensors, a system can be built that provides alarm and helps avoid any unfortunate accidents.

This project is available at Pressure sensors on railway tracks

6. Air Pollution Meter

Presented here is an IoT-enabled air pollution meter to monitor air quality on your smartphone using the Blynk application and Arduino board. Blynk is an Internet of Things (IoT) platform to control Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and the like over the Internet.

In this project, Blynk provides a digital dashboard on your smartphone that displays real-time air quality readings for the immediate surroundings.

This project is available at the Air pollution meter

7. Humidity and Temperature Monitoring using ESP8266

Presented here is a humidity and temperature monitoring system using Arduino. In this article, humidity and temperature information from the DHT-11 sensor is analyzed graphically on the ThingSpeak platform using Arduino MCU and ESP8266 Wi-Fi module.

This project is available at Humidity & Temperature monitoring

8. Wi-Fi-Controlled Robot

Control your Robot from anywhere using the ARMA IoT shield for UNO and the Blynk App which provides the user interface. This project uses an Arduino Uno connected to the WiFi using an ARMA IoT shield and controlled using the Blynk app which is available for both iOS as well as Android. The chassis is a simple one made from pressed sheet metal with high gauge thickness.

This project is available at a Wi-Fi-controlled robot

9. Temperature Logging System

Here is a temperature logging system based on a PIC16F887 microcontroller (MCU), Wi-Fi, and ThingSpeak application programming interface (API). ThingSpeak is an open-source Internet of Things (IoT) application and API to store and retrieve data from things over the Internet. It enables you to collect, store, analyze, visualize and act on the data received from sensors or electronic circuits.

This project is available at the Temperature logging system

10. M2M using ESP8266

This project takes you through the interaction of your developments with one another. The ESP8266 development board is used to connect via wireless & talk to each other when needed. The presenter has made this project to solve a problem in his own room. A video explaining the detailed project is also available.

This project is available at M2M using ESP8266

11. ESPSMS | Make your personal assistant

We all have heard about personal assistants like SIRI, Google Assistant, Alexa, etc. But ever wondered how this all works? And further, do you know how to make a personal assistant of your own? In this project, the developer has tried to make an assistant using the ESP8266 12E development board.

This project is available at Making your personal assistant

Feel interested? Let us know what other ESP8266 projects you have worked on. If there are some ESP8266 projects that are not featured here, send them in and we can feature these on our website.

Here you can find more such interesting electronic mini projects

This article was first published on 20 November 2017 and was updated with new projects on December 2022.


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