Omni Pro Electronics has recently announced the release of 6 new digital potentiometers to its extensive line of standard ICs. The models are designated as LS7190, LS7191, LS7192, LS7193, LS7194, and LS7195. All of the models feature an incremental encoder and SPI interface for communication. These 3 terminal ICs have 64 viper control for adjustment of resistance and are suitable to replace mechanical potentiometers in high vibration, automotive applications.
A potentiometer also known as a rheostat is used as an adjustable resistance in a circuit. The mechanical potentiometers have moving parts that degrade over time, furthermore, change in the temperature may slightly affect the resistance in a mechanical potentiometer, whereas a digital potentiometer has better control of resistance, it also comes in a smaller package, have a longer life, a wider range of resolution and are insensitive to the harsh environment.
The company says that the digital rheostat has 64 wiper tap positions of a resistor chain with 64 equal resistors. The digital clocks drive an internal 6-bit up/down counter with a count N ranging between 0 and 63 to correspond. Interfacing in LS7190 and LS7193 are done with quadrature clocks from incremental encoders. Whereas the LS7191/92and LS7194/95 interface with non-quadrature up (A) and down (B) clocks. The digital potentiometers can supply between 3 to 5 V and are available in 100k, 50k, and 20k versions.
The digital potentiometer can be used as a replacement for a mechanical potentiometer, They also find application in audio equipment to control volume, moreover, they are used in remote adjustments of instrumentation for gain, offset, time constant, line impedance matching, etc.
Features & Benefits:
- 64 position wiper control
- Direct interface with Incremental Encoders
- Adjustable debounce for mechanical encoder/switch
- Configurable to operate with a non-quadrature clock
- SPI interface for host MCU controllers
- Supply voltage: 3 to 5 volts
- Available in 20K, 50K, and 100K versions
- Qualifies for automotive temperature range
- Available in SOIC-8, SOIC-14, and TSSOP-14